Barisco Helpcenter
Video Tutorial – How to use Interactions
Using free background patterns in Barisco
How to prepare designs in Photoshop for Barisco
Video Tutorial – Explanation of Barisco’s editor user interface
Video Tutorial – How to use the scroller
Video Tutorial – How to create overlays or pop-ups
Video Tutorial – How to create groups
Video Tutorial – How to use the Position & Size panel
Free interface templates in Barisco
Different interfaces for different platforms.
What features are not supported in Internet Explorer?
How can I optimize the load time of my project?
Why do fonts appear differently across different browsers and de
How to add your own domain name?
Does Barisco support Android?
How to duplicate pages to a different edition
Video Tutorial – Interfaces 2/2 – How to design a custom interfa
Video Tutorial – Interfaces 1/2 – Using default interfaces
Optimize your publication for SEO
Direct Share to Social Media Channels
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DOOH (Narrowcasting)
Release 2.1
Improved Group settings for desktop and mobile views using one U
Improvements Release 2.2.5
How to create pixel perfect mobile web pages without coding?
Making a mobile ready site in 5 steps:
Reset your Profile
Animate Layers in the Scroll when Visible
Use now animated GIF in Barisco.
Integrating YouTube video’s in your Barisco projects is easy!
How to create a landing page or vertical scrolls in a page.
Implement Youtube original player (control)
New! Dimensional scrolling features for landing pages micro site
UX improvements
Orientation options on publication settings
New Features for creating templates in the restricted editing
What features are not supported in Internet Explorer?
The most important thing to remember regarding support for Internet Explorer is that any version of below Internet Explorer 10 will be served a Adobe Flash fall back viewer of the project.
For those who are into web design, it has become a common practice to check appearance and stability of web pages in Internet Explorer. The reason that Internet Explorer remains an on-going issue for web designers is that the world’s most used operating system, Microsoft Windows, has Internet Explorer as its default browser. Most people are unaware of the fact that it’s necessary to update your software. Another common reason is that many companies don’t allow individual users to update software themselves. This results in many Internet Explorer users that use outdated software.
Through the last 10 years there have been many developments that help to bridge the gap between outdated browsers and new technologies, but still there are many limitations. It is important that to be aware of what those limitations are in order to avoid unpleasant surprises when someone accesses your project using one of these outdated browsers.
One of the first things to realize is that due to current trends the expectation is that websites are built using HTML5. And since that any Internet Explorer version below version 10 doesn’t provide complete support for all features of HTML5 needed to properly show Barisco projects; we are using a Adobe Flash fall back version of the viewer.